Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Our Orthopaedic physiotherapy service is of benefit to dogs with any orthopaedic condition. This includes surgical and non-surgical cases as well as limb amputations.
Which orthopaedic conditions may benefit from physiotherapy?
Conditions which may benefit from physiotherapy treatment include;
- Pathology of any joint eg) shoulder, elbow, carpus, hip, stifle, tarsus, digits and spine
- Arthritis (OA/osteoarthritis)
- Fractures (including with external fixation in place)
- Ununited anconeal process (UAP)
- Fragmented coronoid process (FCP)
- Incomplete ossification humeral condyle (IOHC)
- Cranial cruciate injury post surgery (eg, TPLO, MMP, TTA, lateral suture etc)
- Cranial cruciate injury and conservative management (non-surgical)
- Arthrodesis of any joint (compensations which occur)
- Elbow dysplasia
- Hip dysplasia
- Femoral head and neck excision (FHNE)
- Hip dislocation once relocated by vet (surgical and non-surgical)
- Limb deformity
- Amputations

Aims of Orthopaedic rehabilitation
Treatment aims to minimise pain, promote healing, and restore optimal movement and function. The treatment and exercises will aim to rebalance your dogs whole body by also addressing any compensations your dog may have developed. This is achieved through improving muscle health, strength, suppleness, flexibility, balance and proprioception. This leads to optimal recovery and quality of life.

What happens in a physiotherapy session?
Each session comprises of an update from the owner, a static and dynamic assessment, treatment, exercises, and home care advice. Treatment will address any compensatory issues as well as directly treating the primary issue when appropriate.
A home care plan will be designed for each dog according to his individual circumstances.

If you are interested in the specific treatments we have available please take a look at our Services page.
If you are unsure whether your dog may benefit from physiotherapy, please feel free to call us to discuss