Which treadmill?

Our state of the art ‘Fit Fur Life’ professional treadmill is an excellent tool for gait assessment, rehabilitation and fitness. It features a large working area and sturdy waist height side rails making it suitable for almost any size and breed of dog. The maximum weight of dog is 100kg.

How adjustable is the treadmill?

The treadmill speed can be adjusted very gradually making it easy and safe for dogs to use. It also has a quick stop feature. It has an incline and decline system which enables us to target specific areas of your dog. These features allow us to utilise the treadmill in a programme specifically tailored to your dog’s individual requirements.

Gait assessment

We can use the treadmill to assist us in assessing and monitoring your dogs gait.


The treadmill is available for us to utilise as part of your dogs rehabilitation. Gradual speed increments allow us to programme the treadmill to find your dogs most comfortable speed to encourage optimal gait pattern. The treadmill allows the option of hands on for the therapist if your dog requires assistance to walk. This is particularly useful for neurologically challenged dogs. When appropriate the incline and decline features allow us to target specific regions of your dog.


The treadmill is available for dogs maintaining or improving fitness for sport. This is particularly useful if as an owner your ability to exercise is limited whilst you wish to keep your dog fit.

Weight management

The treadmill may be utilised as part of a weight management programme if appropriate.